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Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Yom Kippur Juxtapositions
How can I reach the heavens when all I can think of is that I need some caffeine? Yom Kippur heightens the juxtaposition between the holy...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Shavuot: reminding me of who I need to be
It is hard for me to personalize Shavuot, though I know there is great spiritual meaning to be found within it. Shavuot is one of the...

Ruth Schapira
1 min read
Care for Your Soul
How are you tending to your soul? “People are such perfectionists when it comes to clothing their bodies. Are they so particular with the...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Bringing God Home from Jewish Summer Camp
Take a moment to truly see Jewish summer camp was an incredible oasis where I received daily doses of spiritual inspiration. At 10 years...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
There’s no secret sauce: we already know the recipe for Jewish engagement
How many ants does it take to move an elephant? That’s what the traditionally bureaucratic Jewish community feels like to me sometimes,...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Questions and a Meditation Before Yom Kippur
“…and after the earthquake a fire; but The One was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice….” Kings I 19:12 Am I coming...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
What do you want to read on a synagogue sign?
We live in a visual world, right? So why not go with that? My morning commute is peppered with the various church signs I pass on my way...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
What I Learned About Leadership From An Evangelical Minister
Here’s what I learned about engaging lay people from an Evangelical minister during a holiday dinner party: a faith community’s goals...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Marketing Jewish Education for Now and Later
Sales. Marketing. Branding. Social Media Presence. Analytics. SEO. ROI. Just a few short years ago, terms like these were absent from...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
This is Not the Climate Change You’re Thinking About
Sloppy Words, Sloppy Food At times, I resist writing a post because I just don’t want to spend the time doing all the research it might...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Jewish Scholars Wanted to Know Years Ago: Are These the Leaders We Deserve?
Who is a Leader? Whenever I get ready to write a headline for a post, I google it, to make sure that it hasn’t been used before, but also...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Nine Unexpected Ways That Jewish Culture Fascinates Asians
What if we took our New Year Celebration to the streets? What are we, as Jews, missing? Clearly something, since others, especially...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
How to Deal With Angry Words in Troubling Times
Can you stay calm in an angry world? I almost can’t watch the news anymore. For me, no matter what channel I turn to what I hear are...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
One New Way To Join A Jewish Community
Judaism = Community This season, when so many emotions surge through us, it is comforting to be within a community. That’s part of the...
Ruth Schapira
1 min read
Why Be Jewish? Rabbi Sacks Responds With A Most Compelling Answer
This piece is so important to read in its entirety. Please go to the link below. via Why Judaism? #Jewishcommunity #JewishTeens...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Jewish Interfaith Outreach: Making Challah and “Doing Jewish”
Making Challah, Making Connections Scoop, beat, pour, and mix—then knead, fold, knead, fold. It’s the methodical way that you’d make a...

Ruth Schapira
1 min read
A #Jewish Philosopher’s Words on a Presbyterian Church
When deeper meaning transcends religion photo by: Ruth Schapira #Judaism #prayer #ReligionandSpirituality

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Redeem the Passover Seder from Stereotypes
Free these sons from the bondage of labels. The apocryphal story of the “Four Sons” has been a part of every Passover Seder I’ve ever...

Ruth Schapira
1 min read
Why the White House Needs to Pay Attention to Netanyahu’s Proposal on Iran
Netanyahu, and his impending election in Israel, was an easy target for the administration to use to discount the Prime Minister’s...

Ruth Schapira
1 min read
Jewish Teens Cross Boundaries to Enhance Engagement
Are the fences coming down? The desire to engage as many teens as possible in the Jewish community is part of the reason that two youth...
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