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Inner Judaism's podcast is now available for listening on Apple, Spotify, Google, Amazon, and more. Listen to meditations, visualizations, and talks about mussar character traits here.

Engagement Online
Inner Judaism has engaged many people, like you, in online courses in the past year. Organizational partners like My Jewish Learning, Limmud, The Central Agency for Jewish Education in Miami, Congregation Beth El in Yardley, PA, have helped get the word out about courses that offer meaning to those seeking a deeper experience with Judaism. Just this past year, course offerings like Meditative Drawing, Making Torah Personal, Secrets of the Hebrew Alphabet, The Mussar Path, Journaling Immersive, and Introduction to Jewish Spirituality were successful in bringing new understanding to well over 250 participants.
Inner Judaism on My Jewish Learning HUB
Inner Judaism is featured As “Best Of” Adult Jewish Educational Content on My Jewish Learning’s Hub! The Hub connects people with incredible learning opportunities for the global Jewish community. Inner Judaism, along with a select list of other partners on The Hub offers dynamic Jewish content curated from Jewish learning sources, all 70 Faces Media publications, and a wide spectrum of other great online Jewish events from other My Jewish Learning Hub organizational partners.