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I sent you an email at your website as "feedback" but I didn't see a notice that said it was sent successfully....I also said how much your articles bless me, and your prayer [Inner Focus] touched me. I thank God for you! Blessings, D.S.
I think you are a great teacher & a wonderful
human being!!! E.R.
Thank you so much for enriching my life with your generosity of wise teaching. M.M.E.
I really enjoyed your Jewish meditation presentation this morning. What was most striking to me was, at the beginning, when you asked us to not take a breath but to receive it. That statement added a whole new perspective on my meditation process. It became more of a relaxing, passive experience than active experience, for lack of a better way to express it. I almost felt like I was receiving something as a gift than taking something proactively. The receiving for me is more calming than taking. Thank you for this awareness. R.L.
I finally got a chance to read your blog!
So beautifully written and eloquent - I really enjoyed ! H.D.
This definitely is a deeply rich and meaningful way to learn/study Torah. Appreciate your teaching and facilitating, Ruth. E.S.
​Loved, loved, loved your article on Humility. The part about having two pockets to reach into; one when feeling low and the other when feeling too self-assured. I'm going to incorporate that into my thinking and life. Bless you Ruth.
Thank you again. I have taken many classes before Covid and now virtually during Covid, and your class today was outstanding. It connected me to Spirituality, and made me aware to be present and value my own Spirituality. Your closing mediation was wonderful. I hope you stay safe and well. A.B
I just want to say that I have learned, been inspired, and been enriched studying Mussar. I do try to remember each midah and see how it might apply. S.Z.