“…and after the earthquake a fire; but The One was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice….” Kings I 19:12
Am I coming to face the Divine with a polished soul, cleansed from sins I tossed into the living waters?
For the past ten days, between Tishrei 1 and Tishrei 10….did I fully use the opportunities I had to correct myself?
How can I possibly achieve the mountain of individual work I know I need to do knowing my limitations?
Yet, how can I approach the Holy One unless I truly own the fact that, created B’tzelem Elohim, I hold the Divine in me?
The still small voice in me, how can I honor that voice?
What behaviors can I commit to, what promises can I make to the Divine, that will honor others as Holy Souls of The One?
How can I make sure to live every moment in its purity with gratitude to my Creator?
How can I make sure that “Lo BaShamayim Hi” also means that everyday, in my heart, I remember my vows to The Blessed One?
What can I do to make this fast, this year, at this time, different from others?
A Yom Kippur Meditation
Draw yourself into the present moment, letting all thoughts slowly fade….
Notice your breath. Breathe in very slowly……………..breathe out even more slowly…
Take another breath this way……….Focus on the movement of your chest, your belly as you breathe…
Let go of any tightness, relax all parts of your body as you feel a lightness of being…….
You are in the present moment. You are a Holy Soul, B’tzelem Elokim…
Your soul is pure. Your soul is tehora.
Elokai Neshama she’Natati-bi Tehora-hi. My God, the soul that you gifted me with inside, is pure.
As you take your next breath, imagine a pure, blue-white lightness filling your soul, filling your entire body, radiating outward from you to the universe…
Begin to feel very light as your essence is not longer separate from that around you….
You are approaching the Holy One as this essence…..
The feeling of attachment is strong…you are part of the One and you are Loved by One Who Loves All….
You are unique. Your purpose here is yours. You bring lightness to the world that is your own….
Your presence is a wonder….
You are filled with gratitude…
The gratitude you feel flows freely from you and will, with the help of The One, envelope others in this bright, New Year….
You are in this place, this Makom, and in the world’s place.