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Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Changing Day by Day
The rhythm of the Jewish calendar allows us to sense a deeper level of experience beyond the seasonal changes. As we leave the month of...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
sharing my Jewish journey with you
(Posted originally on “Reclaiming Judaism”) This blog has become an intimate part of my life. I began writing it in 2011 as part of a...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
I needed to make the first move
It was not hard to take a back seat to my own spiritual growth. As a youngster, I dutifully attended High Holiday services but felt that...

Ruth Schapira
4 min read
How to create a meaningful Jewish community online
Zooming alone We are thankfully in the midst of some re-openings, however, our situation will not revert to more innocent times or change...

Ruth Schapira
4 min read
The True Jewish Meaning of Love
This is a new experience for me, responding to a reader request! After reading a post on Gratitude, I was asked to write about Love....

Ruth Schapira
4 min read
Elul: The vanity of individualism
“..the more enamored we are of our selves, the more fixed we are in our own ‘realities’, limiting the possibilities of our awareness.”...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
The Secret Hebrew Meaning of Gratitude
The Joy of Gratitude Hebrew is a language with deep meanings that go way beyond an outer definition, and to understand foundational...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Are you afraid that Klal Yisrael will disappear?
Will our connections with each other slowly melt away? Clearly, we are not paying attention Or taking advantage of obvious opportunities....

Ruth Schapira
1 min read
when you need strength
Inspired by Psalm 46 God is our refuge and strength, God will help us in our troubles, God is near—as near as the air we breathe. We can...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Questioning God
“It is because I believed in God that I was angry at God, and still am. But my faith is tested, wounded, but it’s here. So whatever I...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Being in the Wilderness: A Shavuot Experience
The quiet allows the voice of our soul to emerge On the week before Shavuot, we begin the fourth book of the Hebrew Bible, known in...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
If Covid-19 is a test, are we passing?
What if God is waiting for us to cry out? What if all we need to do is to cry out in despair, as Abraham did thousands of years ago?...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
The Old Testament is not my Bible
Torah is a living entity in my life and is an endless and forever Giving-Tree. It is this imagery that captures me when we lift the Torah...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Passover and gratitude in the days of covid19
Podcasts. Virtual tours. Songs. Make-Your-Own-Haggadah. There is an endless array of information and resources about how to celebrate...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Do we own our Jewish history?
I read something from an unlikely source that struck my deepest core as a Jew, and came to a full stop at a passage from the first...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Shema: Searching for the “One”
The Experience of the Holy This post is not about matchmaking, or even the journey to find your ‘soul mate’. Here, searching for the...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Yom Kippur Juxtapositions
How can I reach the heavens when all I can think of is that I need some caffeine? Yom Kippur heightens the juxtaposition between the holy...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Will you value your baggage more than a life?
What would you do in an emergency? I heard something disturbing that I couldn’t shake off. This is not what I usually write about, but I...

Ruth Schapira
1 min read
When “Never Again” becomes “Yet Again”
Yet Again? This piece in The Hill, written by Rabbi Steinmetz, senior rabbi at Congregation Kehillath Jeshurun and editor-at-large at...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Make Your Mornings Special
How do you wake up every morning? Do you have a particular ritual? In Judaism, we have a tradition of waking up with a declaration of...
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