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Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Yom Kippur Juxtapositions
How can I reach the heavens when all I can think of is that I need some caffeine? Yom Kippur heightens the juxtaposition between the holy...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Woodstock: is there a Jewish part of the story?
Joni Mitchell, Woodstock Woodstock There are plenty of stories about the “half a million strong” that were part of Woodstock, and even...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Shavuot: reminding me of who I need to be
It is hard for me to personalize Shavuot, though I know there is great spiritual meaning to be found within it. Shavuot is one of the...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Will you value your baggage more than a life?
What would you do in an emergency? I heard something disturbing that I couldn’t shake off. This is not what I usually write about, but I...

Ruth Schapira
1 min read
When “Never Again” becomes “Yet Again”
Yet Again? This piece in The Hill, written by Rabbi Steinmetz, senior rabbi at Congregation Kehillath Jeshurun and editor-at-large at...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Purim and Personal Responsibility
This Purim, start a chain reaction against Hatred and Antisemitism When did you need to step up or speak up in your life? Were there...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Questions and a Meditation Before Yom Kippur
“…and after the earthquake a fire; but The One was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice….” Kings I 19:12 Am I coming...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
This is Not the Climate Change You’re Thinking About
Sloppy Words, Sloppy Food At times, I resist writing a post because I just don’t want to spend the time doing all the research it might...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Jewish Scholars Wanted to Know Years Ago: Are These the Leaders We Deserve?
Who is a Leader? Whenever I get ready to write a headline for a post, I google it, to make sure that it hasn’t been used before, but also...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
3 Ways Nonprofits Can Increase Engagement
Who cares about your organizational integrity? We are witnessing the highly valued currency of connection in many organizations,...
Ruth Schapira
1 min read
Why Be Jewish? Rabbi Sacks Responds With A Most Compelling Answer
This piece is so important to read in its entirety. Please go to the link below. via Why Judaism? #Jewishcommunity #JewishTeens...

Ruth Schapira
1 min read
A #Jewish Philosopher’s Words on a Presbyterian Church
When deeper meaning transcends religion photo by: Ruth Schapira #Judaism #prayer #ReligionandSpirituality

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Redeem the Passover Seder from Stereotypes
Free these sons from the bondage of labels. The apocryphal story of the “Four Sons” has been a part of every Passover Seder I’ve ever...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Do Jewish Teens Need an Ethical Tune-Up?
How ethical are today’s teens? When given the chance to cheat, what would the teenagers you know do? A recent New York Times article on...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
the challenge of raising teens in a country missing moral clarity
Ethical clarity? Clueless The year is newly born, yet through the lens of ethics things feel quite stale. The clarity that should come...
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