How are you defining parenting?
A recent blog post called “Parents’ Aspirations for Their Children” in Education week posed this question and challenged readers to respond with a list of attributes, character traits, values, that parents hoped their child would gain throughout their education.
How would you answer the question?
We focus on results when our teenagers are in education settings, but what would ‘outcome -based’ parenting look like? (if there is such a term).
How might that inform your daily interactions?
What do you really want for your teenager in life?
My experience when I’ve asked this question of parents is that most respond with “I want him/her to be happy.”
Dennis Prager, famous talk-show host and lecturer, has said that parents often say they want their children to be successful or happy, but the world would be a much better place if hopes for their child emphasized kindness.
What would today look like if we planned for tomorrow?
What might you do today, that would ensure you’re meeting your list of outcomes for your teenager?
Photo credit: Carol VanHook
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