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Ruth Schapira
3 min read
I needed to make the first move
It was not hard to take a back seat to my own spiritual growth. As a youngster, I dutifully attended High Holiday services but felt that...

Ruth Schapira
4 min read
How to create a meaningful Jewish community online
Zooming alone We are thankfully in the midst of some re-openings, however, our situation will not revert to more innocent times or change...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Questioning the boon of Zoom Judaism
In my memory, there has never been so much Jewish content available online, for free. Podcasts, interviews, seminars, webinars, zoom...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
What do you want to read on a synagogue sign?
We live in a visual world, right? So why not go with that? My morning commute is peppered with the various church signs I pass on my way...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
What I Learned About Leadership From An Evangelical Minister
Here’s what I learned about engaging lay people from an Evangelical minister during a holiday dinner party: a faith community’s goals...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
From Jewish Camp to Home: Five Easy Things to Do
How can your Jewish community maximize campers’ experiences when they arrive home? Summer camp is exhilarating for our Jewish teens. For...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
One New Way To Join A Jewish Community
Judaism = Community This season, when so many emotions surge through us, it is comforting to be within a community. That’s part of the...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Why Jewish Organizations Need To Be More Like The Food Industry
Fresh and Appetizing! Fortune magazine recently published The Food Issue and I was struck by how the CEO’s of major food corporations are...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Hiring Jewish teen aides? Five things you should know
I promise, keep reading, and you’ll get to my five suggestions. But first, some advice…..for a student named Rachel. Here are some things...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Surprisingly Simple Strategies: How a Presbyterian Church Reaches its’ Teens
All Teens Welcome What might other faith communities teach us, as Jewish educators, about engaging large numbers of teens in religious...

Ruth Schapira
4 min read
Seven Things to Do When Teens Come Home from Jewish Summer Camp
How to Bring Camp Home Soon, thousands of Jewish teens will arrive to their home communities, having spent an amazing immersive...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
How We Are Shortchanging Jewish Teens
Teens need to be with other teens. Lots of them. Some time ago, I wrote a post called What I learned about marketing from working at a...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
How to Make Jewish School Cool for Jewish Teens
Judaism: Where’s the cool? Over 70 seniors recently graduated from a supplementary Jewish community high school. Why was attending cool...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Writings About Jewish Teens: Annual Review
The team sends me a summary e-mail at the end of the year (complete with fireworks!) that help me learn about what you find...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Three Jewish Teens: Tons of Time? Not
What clock do these teens use? I’ll paint the picture. Last night I chatted with a group of three 9th grade teenage boys, hanging out in...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
When You Say “Jewish Community,” Who are You Talking About?
The largest collection of open-ocean animals found in an aquarium Who is in your Jewish community? Really, start to define who you...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
Read what one teen says about teachers
From the 1950’s, but great teachers create impact no matter the year This summer I’m working with an intern through a program that...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
From Jewish Camp to Synagogue: Five No-brainers
The more things change, the more …..well, you can fill in the blank here. This is on my mind as we approach the summer and thousands of...

Ruth Schapira
3 min read
Hiring Jewish teen aides? Five things to know
The title of this post offers you some tips, however first, I’d like to ask you for some advice… a student named Rachel. Here are...

Ruth Schapira
2 min read
‘Wow, You’re Soooo Jewish!”
Is it the consummate Jewish nebbish, portrayed here by Woody Allen? The words “You’re soooo0 Jewish”, said in that tone of voice, from...
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