What image comes to mind when you read the headline?
Is it the consummate Jewish nebbish, portrayed here by Woody Allen?
The words “You’re soooo0 Jewish”, said in that tone of voice, from one Jewish teenager to another, is not meant as a compliment.
So, what does it mean?
Really, take a minute.
What would it mean to you?
To this teenager, it meant that his Jewish friend was taking Judaism seriously, too seriously.
Not only was he Jewish, he was acting Jewish.
Forget that being ‘so Jewish’ is a little like being a human. You either are or you’re not.
But that’s not the point.
The comment was meant as a put-down, a derogatory statement about identity.
Clearly, there is no ‘cool’ factor when it comes to Jewish education for these students.
Okay, you’re wondering, what is it that this student is doing that makes his peers say he’s so Jewish?
He attends a supplementary high school program two days a week.
He’s in 8th grade, and says that he wants to graduate the program in 12th.
He belongs to a youth group.
He sometimes attends synagogue on Shabbat. And he sometimes studies with a Rabbi.
Okay, by now you’re probably convinced that his Jewish involvement is unusual, and you might be shaking your head.
Years ago, this student would not have been labeled ‘SuperJew‘.
On the contrary, that’s what thousands of teens were doing. Then.
Before their lives got so busy, complicated, college-focused and pressured. Now, based on today’s new realities and priorities, our expectations have changed. So, is the student I described s00000 Jewish, or have we bought into diminished standards?
What Jewish involvements are too much? Too little?
How do you feel about the term s0000o Jewish?
What I will say, is that the one thing, the Jewish identification thing, that will help Jewish teens be more grounded before they run off to college is the thing that tends to get low priority.
Unless of course, you’re “SuperJew” and one of the kids who is “sooooo Jewish.”
Related articles
Judging Jewish Education by Fun (ruthschapira.wordpress.com)
Jewish Teens Need More (ruthschapira.wordpress.com)
Jewish Teens: Lost? (ruthschapira.wordpress.com)