Where’s the good news?
When it comes to teens, it seems that “Headlines” are usually “Dead Lines”….yes….news about deaths, teenage thugs, bullying, and more.
I’m tired of reading all this bad news about teens.
You might ask: “So, just look for the good news, what are you complaining about?”
It’s not that easy.
I get news alerts from Google and Yahoo sent to my Inbox, and generally what comes up, almost on a daily basis, is what you see below.
Tired teenagers may need a new mattressFree Malaysia Today – 20 hours The researchers found that teenagers’ mattresses were often too small to accommodate their rapid growth. Moreover, they were often worn out …
Teenage thugs locked up after brutally attacking cyclist for being ‘ginger’Manchester Evening News – 25 minutes Court is told that the four teenagers launched an ‘unprovoked attack’ on the cyclist as he stopped at lights in the city centre.
New wearable tech Ringblingz to help teenagers stay connectedNew Kerala – 16 hours Washington, Feb. 09 : A new wearable technology has been reportedly launched that helps teenagers stay connected based on the social media …
Teenagers held over car theftsThe Herald – 2 hours TWO teenagers have been apprehended by police and three stolen vehicles recovered after residents raised the alarm about suspicious activity.
Two Tucson teens arrested in murder plotFOX 10 Phoenix – 11 hours Two Tucson teenagers are facing charges of conspiracy to commit murder after Pima County deputies say they were plotting to kill an …
Cincinnati Police arrest four teens in weekend aggravated robberiesFOX 19 Cincinnati – 14 hours Cincinnati Police have arrested four teenagers in connection with two aggravated robbery offenses during the past weekend in Northside.
Russian teen project charged with “gay propaganda”Scoop.co.nz – 9 hours “The Children-404 project is being prosecuted for “gay propaganda” because it provides sympathetic, supportive advice to isolated, bullied, …

I’m not saying that teens are not often a troubled lot, or that teenage rebellion is something we should be surprised about.
After all, James Dean, Catcher in the Rye, and all that…..we’ve all been sensitized to the plight of the adolescent.
However, it is worse now with bullying occupying a virtual limitless space and even bigger social platforms where often teens feel unwanted, unloved, and ostracized.
I’m just saying that I need a break.
So please, to all of you out there working with teenagers or reporting about them…..just write more of the good stuff, if only so it takes up more space in my Inbox.