Ruth Schapira

1 min

One minute, three reasons why Jewish education helps teens focus on what’s important

One minute. Three reasons.

Why just three reasons?


Your time is valuable.

Plus everyone’s way too busy getting ready for the school year to spend so much time reading blogs.

And, most importantly, if I keep the reasons limited to three, it will take you less than 1 minute to read.

We’ve all got at least 1 minute.

Here goes—

Jewish Education:

  1. Helps your teen get away from the mundane interactions with peers to focus on meatier things: ethical choices, responsible decision-making, moral values. All of which help your child succeed in a challenging college environment.

  2. Provides your teenager with an instant core group of teachers and mentors, happy to partner with you in getting your child to travel in the right direction.

  3. Offers your child the opportunity, on a regular basis, to focus on the big, big questions like the universe, the meaning of life, relationships with friends, spirituality, and God (that will come in up in conversation elsewhere….when?).

OR…….you can just hope that things will turn out all right.

Have you been on a college campus lately?

Related articles

  1. Jewish Education: What is its value-added for Jewish Teens? (

  2. How Would You Market to Jewish Teens? (

  3. A Short List of What the Jewish Community Should Do for Teens (

  4. why I hope Jewish parents are smarter than this (

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