There’s a little game I play every so often with web tools. It’s called: ‘Search for “Jewish teens” to see how far they’re ‘off the radar’.
I’ve gotten used to seeing the rueful results (trust me on this one, it’s pretty pitiful when my blog shows up in e-mails from ‘Google Alerts‘.
I’ve typed “Jewish Teens” (search 101: quotes around terms insures specific results) in a variety of search engines. I’d test them out based on the quality of information gleaned.
When I started poking around Twitter my search turned up zero results. I almost didn’t join.
Wasn’t anyone tweeting about Jewish teens?
I’ve even created a hashtag #Jteens, which has been a little like tossing a feather into the ocean: it’ll hover around a bit, but really, can anyone possibly see a feather with all that water around?
I enter “Jewish teens” into various Jewish news weeklies, and barely get a drip from the faucet of free-flowing information.
But I haven’t given up on my game, no matter how few results turn up.
Today, I typed it into an advanced search tool on Google . The results speak for themselves and actually caused me to laugh:Web Search Interest: “Jewish teens” United States, Last 12 months
Not enough search volume to show graphs.
Make sure all words are spelled correctly.
Try different search terms.
Try more general search terms.
Try fewer search terms.
Try searching data for all years and all regions
So, Jewish teens seem to be off the charts, literally.
One last thing. Last semester I took a technology course and we had to create a video on Google that animated search terms. What fun. I even enhanced the video with really scary music. You can see that video here . Hey, if you look at it often enough, the video just might show up in my Google Alerts.